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1 Year Paid Metta-Internship Program Has Started.

An outstanding paid internship program was created by the construction company Metta. It launched on August 18 and will last for 12 months.

Students/graduates of the bachelor's programs and master's programs of civil engineering and construction faculties of 4 universities operating in Georgia were interested in participating in the program.

From up of 100 received applications, 8 best candidates were selected after the interview and testing. On August 18, they had their first training, met future mentors, got acquainted with labor safety rules and standards, were given the first construction equipment, and ended the day with a visit to the construction site.

The uniqueness of Metta's internship program lies in the fact that during the internship we take into account the needs of students' university activities as much as possible and promote the smooth flow of academic processes. In addition, they learn skills that can only be learned on-site. The remuneration is increasing for each subsequent stage, which is a very attractive and motivating factor for young people.

The internship program includes four stages:

• Stage I - Orientation - during the first stage, the selected intern will be attached to the Metta construction project, where he will get to know the activities of the construction project manager, project engineer, project engineer, cost estimator and quality control inspector in practice.

• Stage II - Mentoring - successful trainees will be able to choose a mentor in one selected direction and under his direct supervision, learn the chosen direction in depth in practice.

• Stage III - Mastering- at this stage, the successful intern continues to work in the position he/she has learned with the mentor's guidance, but remains under the mentor's supervision.

• Stage IV - evaluation and agreement - after completing all three stages, the trainee receives a full evaluation, feedback and a letter of recommendation confirming completion of the 1-year practical training program.

Participants with outstanding success will receive a job offer at the construction company Metta and also the opportunity to get tuition financing on master's degree or project management programs.

By creating our internship program, the goal of Metta is to promote the construction/engineering professions among the young generation, increase the number of professionals and support them in mastering the profession.



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